Cool Luke Calculator

About Luke

Cool Luke is a new feature introduced to Battle Camp in 2017. He can be found in the troop hall to the right of the upgrade station. For those that are newer players, these feature was implemented to make up for some older features that were removed because made it so players could stack energy(keep building energy on an account without actually playing to horde up as much as possible). Pennypop's reason for the change is that there were lots of accounts where people logged in and out and didn't actually play the game.

Luke Nametag Luke

How Luke Works

Luke's addition is entirely about being rewarded for event participation. Each time you use energy, it counts towards a Cool Luke Benchmark.


About The Rewards

VIP Activation

If you are a brand new player, you might be wondering what VIP is. If VIP is active, it provides many benefits, such as a max friends increase and faster energy regeneration. Those benefits can be viewed in the top left corner of your screen. When VIP is inactive, it will appear grey and when it is active it will appear orange.


When you finish all the quests up until the last zone, Lost Temple, Hamilton is standing on top of the entrance to the temple itself, next to Wild Child. You can collect energy from him once a day(after each reset) and the amount varies depending on if VIP is active. He will allow you to collect 10 if VIP is not active, but he will allow you to collect 20 if VIP is active, so it is a good idea to try and get to the first Luke benchmark by making sure to use your energy as it regenerates so that you can get up to 50 and active your VIP.

Hamilton Nametag Hamilton

The Other Rewards

All of Cool Luke's energy rewards must be collected at 0 energy. The U spin will be added to the U spin menu and you can use it at any time. Gold is added to your current amount displayed in the upper right corner. No Luke benchmarks go into your inbox.

The Calculator

When I am collecting my benchmarks, I lose track of how many I collected so far. This calculator can let you know how many you have used so far and how many more you need to use to collect the final benchmark. Some rewards are repeated, so if you are unsure if you have collected that benchmark before, it will display the 2 possibilities.

Spend more energy to collect

Have you collected this benchmark before?

Energy Used:

Energy Until 100e:

Cool Luke Benchmarks

Use To Collect Total Used
50 50 VIP 10 Day VIP Activation
15 65 Energy 5 energy
20 85 Gold 5 gold
15 100 Energy 5 energy
25 125 Gold 10 gold
25 150 U Spin U Spin
50 200 Energy 15 energy
50 250 Gold 15 gold
75 325 Energy 15 energy
75 400 Gold 15 gold
100 500 Energy 100 energy

Benchmarks May Change

Cool Luke benchmarks have changed in the past, so it is important to note that the current listing above is accurate as of November 2017. This page will be updated as soon as possible if these benchmarks change again.

Value Of Abilities


Find out the actual value of abilities and ability combinations.


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