In Troop Wars, the goal is to defeat the enemy pet and then hit the enemy flag. The enemy flag gives double trophies. At one point in time when you defeated the enemy pet, it was dead for the rest of the match. Recently, they made it so that the enemy pet comes back every 20 minutes. The event dogs bonus attack does not apply to the flag, so this is particularly beneficial to people who have them. If your troop wins, troop trophies are doubled. For a loss, 1/3 of the trophies are removed. Donating specials will heal your pet and each special donated will earn 10k trophies.
Important Things About Troop Wars
- The enemy pet comes back every 20 minutes after being killed
- Event mob bonuses do not apply to the flag
- A special donation to heal the pet yields 10,000 trophies
- Winning gets the troop 2x trophies
- Losing takes away 1/3 of trophies
- There are 2 sets of dogs, one for every other Troop Wars
- You can find out the lasty set of dogs and predict the next by looking at the last set of dogs on the BCRank Events page.
- Troop pets are only fire, water, and leaf, so event monsters only come in those elements
- The flag is the same element as the pet
Bonus Trophies
Dealing the finishing blow to the enemy pet will get you 10% bonus trophies. Multiple people in a troop can get this bonus if the pet goes down during multiple hits. If you finish a pet off more than once, the bonuses will stack(2 enemy pet deaths would get you 20%). Another 10% bonus can be applied by doing the most damage to the flag. That bonus can stack as well.
Event Mob Bonuses
Troop Wars dogs have a lower event mob bonus than the other events. However, the good thing about this is that Troop Wars is less popular, making the dogs are easier to get.
- Rare 150% PE 300%
- Super 250% PE 600%
- Ultra 400% PE 900%
- Epic 600% PE 1200%

The new dogs have a slightly higher base attack, but the event bonuses remain the same.

The Troop Pet
There are 3 troop pet possibilities and the founder of the troop makes this decision upon the creation of the troop. They begin as Baygon(water), Heatra(fire), or Goredener(leaf). The pet has 2 evolutions that it will achieve upon a certain level.

Level 10
First Evolution
Big Heal
Level 20
68% Water Damage Reduction
Level 35
Second Evolution
Level 50

Level 10
First Evolution
Level 20
68% Leaf Damage Reduction
Level 35
Second Evolution
Level 50

Level 10
First Evolution
Level 20
68% Fire Damage Reduction
Level 35
Second Evolution
Level 50
Predicting the Next Enemy Pet
To prepare for the next match, often you can look at the troop above and below you in the standings and it will be one of those. The BCRank server takes time to update, so verify in game by going through the Top 5000 troops. Enter the name of the troop on the BCRank main page search bar or by scrolling through the troops on the troop tab in the event standings.